get the book

Available on in paperback and Kindle versions: what thinks you? a fool’s eye view of human resources. This 200+ page book is a compilation of my 65 most HR related blog posts. [YES! See the reviews below.]

Why buy a book of something that’s already freely available on my blog?

  • Doug Shaw did the cover art and Joe Gerstandt contributed the forward. That combination right there makes it worth getting even if you never read the other stuff.
  • You’re in HR and want a quick reference (Actually, don’t get it for that. I’m pretty sure I edited all the facts out, leaving only questions and personal opinions).
  • Books are cool – you have a preference for reading from paper.
  • Read it anywhere without having to drag the entire internet along to access it (etherwebz are heavy and don’t fit on airplanes very well).
  • You don’t have to wade through my other ramblings to get to the good HR stuff.
  • Easy to share, give as gift, or just leave lying around so people can see how cool/smart/plugged in you are.

Here’s the description from Amazon:

In the crush of computerization, standardization, quantification, industrialization, information, and regulation, we often forget that it’s actual humans that create business results. Business gets done through, by, and for people. Period. The pages inside are a collection of posts from the blog fool (with a plan). I wrote them as an outlet to connect, explore, and play with ideas at the intersection of business and humans. This isn’t HR 101 or a how-to guide for new leaders, and you certainly won’t find any help within on demystifying employment laws and regulations. There are a lot of really great books offering legal, moral, ethical, and spiritual advice, but there’s none of that here. There may not even be any actual facts. What you will find are thoughts, questions, ideas, and more questions around this fool’s perspective of what HR is and what it could be.

You see, I’m foolish enough to firmly believe that Human Resources can: rehumanize work. … make a crucial difference in company performance. … be a strong corporate presence, not just a bystander. … be a source of strategic innovation. … change business. … lead.

What thinks you?


From Melissa Fairman at HR reMix:

Do you feel like stretching the brain muscle a bit today? Ever wonder how to get around the conventional HR thinking? Or maybe you just want to spend a few minutes a day challenging your thinking?

I have the book for you. [Read the rest at: HR reMix]

From Peter Watts at The Presenter’s Blog: 

What to talk about at the weekly team meeting?

It’s a seventh-day conundrum. Yet again it’s Monday morning. Yet again it’s that darned team meeting, and yet again, as the person chairing it, you’ve got no idea what to talk about. [Read the rest at: The Presenter’s Blog]

I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the book. Hit me up in the comments, email me, or just post a review on Amazon.


  1. I think you hit the nail right on it’s head when you emphasize the humanization of HR. In any era of development, HR’s focus should remain improving human relationship rather than the system that works in the company. This doesn’t mean that HR shouldn’t benefit from today’s tech innovations. However, all efforts should be geared to enhance and not dehumanize relationships at workplace. The more our intent is geared towards this the better the efficiency attained .

    Many thanks for your ideas in the book.


    1. Thanks for your thoughts. The great thing about technology is that, done right, it automates the non-human aspects of HR, allowing us to focus more on rehumanizing work.

      Just curious, did you read the paperback or the Kindle version?


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